05.09.2024 18:57
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
Ludhiana NSH
21.08.2024 08:08
Inbound in sorting center
Shenzhen International Mail Processing Center, Shenzhen city
05.08.2024 21:19
Item Presented to Customs
21.07.2024 10:31
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Fuzhou International Mail Processing Center, Fuzhou city
05.07.2024 23:42
Processed Through Facility
Centro de Tratamento Lisboa
20.06.2024 12:54
Arrival at Delivery Office
Charlotte, NC, United States
05.06.2024 02:05
Entered into handheld device of the courier
IA, COLFAX, 50054
20.05.2024 15:16
Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery
GALAX, VA, 24333
05.05.2024 04:28
The shipment is in transit within China
Qatar airlines
19.04.2024 17:39
Arrival at Transit Sorting Center
04.04.2024 06:51
Received by local delivery company
19.03.2024 20:02
Flight Departure
04.03.2024 09:13
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
17.02.2024 22:25
Scheduled for Delivery
02.02.2024 11:36
Departed from Facility
Rajpura HO
Tracking numbers examples: